"We have raised $10,000 to provide a festive feast for 127 families in this special season!"

By Mark Jarder
November 25, 2020
Read Time:2 Minute

Hello Friends,

For many families, coming together over a full meal is one of the cherished moments of the day - and the dinner table is the hub of family energy and life. Unfortunately, a lot of families have been robbed of that joy this year during the Covid-19 Pandemic - where survival has meant making do with less or even doing without entirely.

Whilst we have previously done food drives to provide families with two full weeks of groceries, this Holiday season we wanted to focus our efforts on reclaiming the joy of coming together as a family around the dinner table for as many families in our community as possible.

To this end, we are excited to announce that we are partnering with Fresh Prep to deliver a festive feast to 100 families this holiday season. Fresh Prep is a local meal kit company that delivers pre-portioned, pre-chopped ingredients in sanitized reusable cooler bags, with recyclable packaging to help families cook delicious meals made from local ingredients in 30 minutes or less. They have also given us an in-kind donation of $1,400 towards our outreach! Thank you Fresh Prep team for helping us and your dedication to helping local communities like ours!

Check out their newest video on what they do in their commitment to helping local communities thrive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqEBgOtNIM4&t=139s

Website: www.freshprep.ca

Social Media:
Instagram @freshprep.ca - https://www.instagram.com/freshprep.ca/
Facebook @freshprep.ca - https://www.facebook.com/freshprep.ca/
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/freshprep/

We are also excited to announce that we are partnering with our friends over at Earnest Ice Cream for the desserts for the festive feasts! Coupons for a pint of ice cream will be included in all food hamper for the families! Earnest Ice Cream started in 2012 with a mission to provide exceptional ice cream that expresses our passion for our people, place and planet and a business that embodies our values. With delight, they have given us a donation of $1,610 towards our outreach! Thank you Earnest Ice Cream team and everything you do in the local communities!

Website: www.earnesticecream.com

Social Media:
Instagram @earnesticecream - https://www.instagram.com/earnesticecream
Facebook @earnesticecream - https://www.facebook.com/EarnestIceCream
Twitter @earnesticecream - https://twitter.com/earnesticecream

Got Ink? is a local service provider of printer ink in Metro Vancouver. They also sell printers and service yours when needed. "Ink in a wink" is their motto. Thank you Got Ink? team for being a community partner and helping the YFMV community! We can't recommend them enough.

For mobile ink delivery or any inquiries just send an email to [email protected] or send them a text at 604-868-8387.

We are ecstatic to have our friends at Black & White Zebra as community partners with the YFMV community! They build digital tribes and make serious digital stuff fun. To this end, they donated $5,000 towards our outreach! We appreciate you guys for your passion for building communities up and making complicated things easier to understand. Thank you for being a huge support and making a difference to a lot of families this Christmas Holiday season!

Website: https://blackandwhitezebra.com/

Social Media:
Facebook @BlackandWhiteZebra - https://www.facebook.com/BlackandWhiteZebra
LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/blackandwhitezebra/

We need your help!

The donations meter is updated daily. It will be combined donations done by e-transfer or our community partners and what is raised with the Gofundme. You can donate either through Gofundme (https://gf.me/u/y87kti) or through e-transfer.

In order to make all of this happen, we are raising $10,000 and we need you (and your friends and families!) to help make this happen. 

If you are able to join us in this outreach and donate, please click here.

If you are a part of an organization or an owner of a business and you would like to partner with us on this (or future) outreach please reach out to us at [email protected] 

With Fresh Prep providing the food, Earnest Ice Cream with the dessert, and the YFMV family and those that donate sending our love, we can, together, bring a little joy and light to the end of a pretty bleak year for 100 families in our community.

Thank you to everyone who takes part in making this happen.

Best Regards,


Love in Action - Families for Families

Young Families of Metro Vancouver - For Vancouver Families Logo



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